Showing 15 RESULTS FOR
What About the Moms? Supporting the Mental Health of Working Mothers
How the workplace—employers and colleagues—can be supportive of working moms’ mental health.
Videos: COVID-19 and Mental Health
A series of videos exploring the potential long-term mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Putting Focus on Workplace Mental Health When the Workplace is Home and Home is the Workplace
By Peter Anastasiou
The workplace may look very different than it did a few months ago, but workplace mental health is more important now than ever.
New Study Used Personalized Goals to Assess Treatment Effectiveness for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
Results from an open-label study evaluating the development and assessment of personalized goals as a way of measuring treatment effectiveness in MDD.
New Data Added to TRINTELLIX® (vortioxetine) Labeling Demonstrated Superiority Over Escitalopram in Improving SSRI-Induced Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
TRINTELLIX® is the first antidepressant to include head-to-head data in its labeling that showed improvement in treatment-emergent sexual dysfunction in patients with MDD who switched from certain SSRI treatments.